lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

Human reproduction

The presentation was too long. I divided it into two halves:the reproductive systems and the reproductive process.
Finish these sentences:
Testes can not produce sperm until ...
If a mature ovule does not meet with a mature spermatozoid,then...
The previous affirmation is related to the menstruation because...
Labour stages are:...
After birth we have belly button because...

Write a comment and explain a new thing you have learnt from the presentations.

The respiratory system

In this presentation you can observe how our lungs get the oxygen we need to live.

What is the meaning of :"exchange of gases". Which are the gases (involved in this process)?

The nervous system.

At last, I could upload your presentation.
Watch it carefully to discover how this system works...

What is a neuron? What is its function?

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Trabajando cooperativamente construimos este blog.

Gracias por poner tanto interés en vuestros trabajos.¡Estoy encantada!.
Aunque la mayor satisfacción es comprobar que nos gusta aprender...y que con ganas,somos capaces de superar las dificultades.


Human endocrine system

Our body uses different substances to work...Do you Know which glands produce them... Read the following presentation.

Write the most important endocrine glands and name one hormone secreted by each one of them.

Human circulatory system

In this presentation you can find out some information about our heart,blood and circulation.

Answer this question:
What is the difference between the pulmonary circulation and sistemic circulation?. Send your comments

Human musculature

You can learn more about muscles and how they work...
Send one comment and write what happens when a muscle contracts.

From cell to pluricellular living beings

Write some sentences with the bold vocabulary on this presentation and send them to the comments below the photograph.

Bruno Munari y la creatividad

What is your opinion about this artist?. Send your comments.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Dust in the wind lyrics

I close my ...., only for a moment,and the moment´s gone.
All my dreams,pass before my eyes,a curiosity.
.... in the wind,all they are is dust in the ....
Same old song, just a drop of ..... in an endless ...
All we do, crumbles to the ......,though we refuse to see.

Dust in the wind.All we are is dust in the wind.

Don´t hang on,nothing lasts forever but the ..... and ...
It slips away, all your money won´t another minute buy.

Dust in the wind.All we are is dust in the wind.

Hay varias palabras desaparecidas de la letra de esta canción que puedes
encontrar escuchándola.Una pista: todas tienen relación con la Naturaleza.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011


Have a look...Do you recognize any work of art?. Make a list with four or five abstract painters

The song of this video is : "Dust in the wind". Search for the author´s name.Do you Know the singer band? Try to find it out.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Una idea para tu tiempo libre

If you like crafts and experiments...It seems easy to do.

Do you like it? Is it fun?

The respiratory process

Look at this presentation and decide which are the three steps of the respiratory procces? What is the blood role?